Thursday, December 11, 2008

Couple of new photos of Andrew

Here are some new photos of Andrew at 2 months (ish). He is now 14 lbs!!!! He is growing so fast that there are clothes he has never worn and has outgrown. Andrew is starting to say "goo" and "ga-ga" to those who will listen and he has a fantastic smile. Hopefully I will get both those things on camera soon.

Welcome to the world Owen Carter Krahn

Congradulations to Colleen and Brent!!! Their first baby, a boy, arrived yesterday at noon. He is healthy and gorgeous. Have a look at this beautiful boy....

Christmas has arrived!

On Dec 5th, we had a housewarming/christmas/birthday party at our house after the High River annual Christmas parade. It was LOADS of fun!! Anita was wide eyed during the parade and loved playing with Elizabeth & Aaron's kids, Ruby and Henry. Here are some pics from the night.

2008 Santa Claus Parade:

Housewarming Party: