Thursday, November 06, 2008

1st Day of Snow (Nov 5th)

On the first day of snow here, the weather was beautiful and the snow was perfect for making a snowman. Here are some pictures of the snowman Anita and I built together....

Halloween 2008

Anita had a REALLY good time on Halloween this year. She dressed up as a kitty and went trick or treating with Mom. First to Grandma's house then we hit cousin Steve and Kathy's street. We hit the payload there. More chocolate than even Mom could eat. Anita was so cute. Each house we went to she tried to walk right in and make her self at home.

When we got back from trick or treating we had guests over. Her buddy Espen was there for a visit dressed as a karate kid. We all had a great time visting with Dee & Conrad. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

Here are some pictures....