Thursday, December 11, 2008

Couple of new photos of Andrew

Here are some new photos of Andrew at 2 months (ish). He is now 14 lbs!!!! He is growing so fast that there are clothes he has never worn and has outgrown. Andrew is starting to say "goo" and "ga-ga" to those who will listen and he has a fantastic smile. Hopefully I will get both those things on camera soon.

Welcome to the world Owen Carter Krahn

Congradulations to Colleen and Brent!!! Their first baby, a boy, arrived yesterday at noon. He is healthy and gorgeous. Have a look at this beautiful boy....

Christmas has arrived!

On Dec 5th, we had a housewarming/christmas/birthday party at our house after the High River annual Christmas parade. It was LOADS of fun!! Anita was wide eyed during the parade and loved playing with Elizabeth & Aaron's kids, Ruby and Henry. Here are some pics from the night.

2008 Santa Claus Parade:

Housewarming Party:

Thursday, November 06, 2008

1st Day of Snow (Nov 5th)

On the first day of snow here, the weather was beautiful and the snow was perfect for making a snowman. Here are some pictures of the snowman Anita and I built together....

Halloween 2008

Anita had a REALLY good time on Halloween this year. She dressed up as a kitty and went trick or treating with Mom. First to Grandma's house then we hit cousin Steve and Kathy's street. We hit the payload there. More chocolate than even Mom could eat. Anita was so cute. Each house we went to she tried to walk right in and make her self at home.

When we got back from trick or treating we had guests over. Her buddy Espen was there for a visit dressed as a karate kid. We all had a great time visting with Dee & Conrad. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

Here are some pictures....

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Its a boy! Introducing Andrew Rodney Tait

Andrew has arrived! He was born on Wednesday at 8:30 in the morning. He weighed 7 lbs, 13 ounces. Upon arrival he screamed very loudly and then proceeded to pee all over the heating table in the operating room.

He is very content and happy baby who insists on being held as much as possible. He is eating VERY well so I suspect he is going to be outsizing his sister before long.

Matthew, Anita and I are doing really well. I am recovering from surgery, Matthew is getting used to the new sleep schedule (ie no sleep) and Anita is taking her older sister duties very seriously (ie informing me when the baby needs changing, is crying, is breathing, etc...).

Thanks for all your messages and well wishes while we were in the hospital. Here are some pictures of Andrew's first few days.

xxxx Barb

Friday, September 12, 2008

Anita's Second Birthday

Wow it has been a while since I have posted anything. Sorry about that. I am back on maternity leave now awaiting the arrive of baby #2 due Sept 24th.

Anita's birthday just passed and she had loads of fun. Thank you for the cards/presents, well wishes, etc.... It really was a perfect day for her. Play all day, eat pizza and ice cream cake, and get some really cool presents. It was just Grandma & Grandpa Noad, Mom & Dad, and Auntie Colleen but that made it really quite nice as she wasn't over stimulated like last years party. Here is a slideshow of Anita's birthday.